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الأحد، ٣ يوليو ٢٠١١


Unit                            : Junior High School 1 Batu
Grade/Semester         : VIII / 1
Subject                      : Biology
Topic                         : Growth and development
Time allocation          : 8 x 40 minutes
A. Standard of Competence:
1. To understand the various systems in human body.

B. Basic Competence:
1.1.    To analyze the importance of growth and development of organism

C. Indicators to achieve the competence:
1.   To distinguish between growth and development.
2.   To explain the growth and development of plants.
3.   To mention the factors that influence growth and development.
4.   To mention the phases of growth and development in animal.
5.   To compare metamorphosis between meta-genesis.

D. Objectives Learning
The students are able to:
1.   Distinguish between growth and development.
2.   Explain the growth and development of plants.
3.   Mention the factors that influence growth and development.
4.   Mention the phases of growth and development in animal.
5.   Compare metamorphosis between meta-genesis.
E. Teaching Materials: More


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1. Kemagnetan
2. Induksi Elektromagnet
3. Tata Surya
4. Litosfer dan Atmosfer

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